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Fulfillment Engine

Intelligently orchestrate orders and shipments

Shipium bridges the gap between existing systems to ensure orders are fulfilled at the right time from the right locations in your network.

DEMO ML-powered TNT Map
Optimize shipment decisions for orders across your network
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Shipium Carrier Selection

The modern operating model

First, minimize costs—at all costs

Deciding where to fulfill an ecommerce order is the single biggest cost decision operations can make. Fulfillment Engine ensures it's always the cheapest option.

Reduce delivery costs at least 12%

Real-time decision making across every order gives you the ability to find cost saving opportunities that wouldn't be possible with basic business logic in your ERP, OMS, WMS, or TMS solutions.

Positively impact fixed costs

Reducing the number of annual shipments impacts labor requirements and warehouse throughput. You will see positive trends with key fulfillment metrics like cost-per-unit or warehouse processing time.

Second, what are your constraints?

With costs in focus, Fulfillment Engine layers in configurable constraints to fit your business needs. It's the tradeoff engine you didn't think was possible.

Speed up delivery several days

If speed matters to you and your customers, then Fulfillment Engine is indispensable. Configure routing decision to ensure that eventual delivery always hits fast speeds at the cheapest costs.

Improve delivery accuracy

Utilize Fulfillment Engine's accuracy modeling to ensure that deliveries arrive when you told the customer it would by rerouting orders through your network or leveraging intelligent shipping upgrades and downgrades.

How Fulfillment Engine Works

Fulfillment Engine fills the gaps between your OMS and WMS to ship the right order at the right time to minimize shipping costs and maximize delivery speed and accuracy.

Single integration point

Capture the benefits of Fulfillment Engine with minimal disruption to existing systems. Integration is a single connection between your OMS and Shipium, resulting in a fast installation process—with zero service fees required!

Shipium OMS Integration

Send us order and inventory info

Just like you offload from your brain to a calculator, your OMS offloads fulfillment planning and shipment generation decisions to Fulfillment Engine.

Order properties

Important information related to items purchased like SKU dimensions, weights, and hazmat considerations.

Inventory position

Known inventory status for all SKUs across network origins you wish to be eligible, such as warehouses or stores.

The system that knows your network

Shipium maps all your network's fulfillment locations—like warehouses, stores, or anything else eligible—and knows each location's properties, such as operating dates, available shipment options, and critical pull times.

Shipium OMS Call

We craft the optimal fulfillment plan and pick the best locations to ship the order

With order and inventory information in tow, we build the best fulfillment plan by analyzing shipping costs and speed probabilities across every location with available inventory. These results determine the most cost-effective way to distribute the order across the network and generate shipment decisions.

Shipium OMS Response

Pass decisions to chosen locations

Fulfillment Engine holds orders in a queue until it's the most optimal time to hit a designated delivery date at the cheapest possible cost. Your OMS receives the command from us and passes down shipment decisions to the chosen locations per usual.

Shipium OMS Distribution

Real-time flexibility

Reduce split shipments with intelligent consolidation

Fulfillment Engine takes key criteria, like inventory drain and critical pull times, into consideration as it optimizes for shipment consolidation for multi-SKU orders.

Reducing splits with consolidation

Align your strategy with shifting business requirements

Your network should adjust to your business. When strategies change, your network should, too. Use Fulfillment Engine to alter volumes through intentional constraints.

  • Shift a higher volume to regional carriers as you enter holiday peak season
  • Dial cascading preferences between warehouses
  • Shift more volume to be fulfilled by stores as you expand a store-centric strategy
  • Or the reverse—shift more volume to warehouses and away from stores
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Want to see how Shipium works?

Schedule a demo. Our team is happy to answer any questions or provide you an example of our capabilities.